Making your voice count course
A course for anyone who wants more influence and impact
What does the making your voice count course do?
This course gives individual participants the resourcefulness and impact that they personally need to develop.
Talk is central to performance: how we think, interact and do our work. TalkWise research shows that effective communication entails nine different ‘voices’, but also that few people use all the voices they need.
Who is it for?
This course is for anyone who wants or needs to develop their personal presence and influence.
As a result of this course you will be able to:
- recognise immediately when you are not having the impact that you intended
- understand why your approach is not working
- have a range of alternative strategies at your disposal
- influence different people in different ways without sacrificing your own authenticity or integrity
Learning & Development benefits
The TalkWise stage-by-stage development process gives you the benefits of two distinct sources of expertise: in communication and in learning & development. We combine new insights obtained from our own research into the practice of effective communication with internationally-developed principles for best practice in adult learning.